Friday, May 15, 2020

Rape Fantasies By Margaret Atwood And The Other Place

The short stories â€Å"Rape Fantasies† by Margaret Atwood and The Other Place† by Mary Gaitskill are both short stories that have ominous sounding titles are many ways very comparable. â€Å"Rape Fantasies,† as you can guess, is about the very taboo subject of rape. Furthermore, â€Å"The Other Place† is about violence subject matter and taboo subjects of violence involving the narrator and his violent thoughts towards women. The short stories â€Å"Rape Fantasies† and The Other Place† are similar pieces of work due to their resemblances in the way they narrate their own stories with imagery, believe their behavior is abnormal and have hidden messages about their narrators. In â€Å"The Other Side† the narrator knows that his fantasies are abnormally when he†¦show more content†¦The realization by the narrator that his son has such violent tendencies brings him back to his own violent thoughts he had. The narrator begins to discuss his childhood and specifically talks about his mom and her rough life. At first, he discusses her and talks about how she was a sex worker but he seems to be at peace with this and isn’t shaken by her past. As the story develops he keeps coming back to his mom throughout the story. When talking with his mother about her confession of being a sex work while on her death bed she tells him, â€Å"I only worked for good escort places. I never had a pimp or went out in the street. I never did anything perverted-I didn’t have to. I was beautiful. They’d pay just to be with me† (Gaitskill). This confession itself doesn’t seem to bother him, at least he doesn’t tell you he is but you get a indication of his displeasure towards her when he responds by thinking, â€Å"It frankly was not really even much of a surprise that she’d told me. Its her vanity that disgusted me, the way she undercut the confession with a preening, maudlin joke. I could not respect that even then† (Gaitskill). This reaction to her being a sex worker isn’t what bothered him it was the way she went about it. This revelation of his mother being a prostitute justifies his lack of respect for women and why he has violent thoughts about hurting women. The narrators disrespect for women later in the story manifestsShow MoreRelatedVictimization in Margaret Atwoods  ¡Ã‚ §Rape Fantasies ¡Ã‚ ¨880 Words   |  4 PagesRape Fantasies: Female Victimization Margaret Atwood ¡Ã‚ ¦s  ¡Ã‚ §Rape Fantasies ¡Ã‚ ¨, a monologue of a woman discus her concern about the topic of rape, demonstrates the power struggle between men and women and how female are victimized by the society. Furthermore, Atwood talks about the importance of having  ¡Ã‚ §voice ¡Ã‚ ¨ as a power or solution to victimization. In the story, there is an exploration of female vulnerability, and victimization in the rape fantasies. 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